This may or may not be outrageous, but I thought it merited some attention, especially seeing some of the reactions to the "Christian" guild in this thread.
I joined my first guild at lvl 2 with my first character. I stayed with that guild until I had gotten to lvl 20. It was a small guild, with about 12 members, only a couple of which played actively. These few, however, were fun people and I teamed with them as much as possible.
Shortly after I got to lvl 20, one of the other active members in the guild suddenly quit. I too was disatisfied with constantly having so few people to play with, so I PM'd them and asked about the new guild they had joined, lookng for some new options and new people to play with.
Here's how the conversation went:
Me: So, you found a new guild? Do you like it?
Him: Yeah, its great! Why? You want an invite?
Me: Well, I have been looking around a bit.
Him: No prob! I'll have an officer send you an invite!
Me: Ok, thanx...I'll check it out.
Him: One thing though. You're Asian, right?
Me: What?
Him: You're Asian, aren't you?
Him: Oh.
Me: Why does that matter?
Him: It's an Asian-only guild only azns can play in it.
Me: Um...seriously?
Him: Yeah sorry bye.
So, I was excluded from a new guild because I wasn't "azn".
Now, it's just a game and people can do whatever the heck they want in their guilds, but I found this one a bit perplexing. Especially so, since I've seen stuff like this announced more than a few times while sitting in town.
It didn't really bother me, but I wonder what the reaction would be if I started a guild that was "white-only" and asked members if they were "pure-white".
Probably not very good.